The projects I am currently working on have developed from the last few years living on location and filming in the rohe of Te Tai Tokerau, Aotearoa New Zealand. In particular, the Hokianga and across to Waitangi in the east.

During this time I have been working with a number of Ngapuhi rangatira, most intensively with five kaumatua. They have entrusted me with parts of their stories for some of this work.

They form a defence of memory (working title).

An impressionistic view of the present through multiple skeins of the past.

“He Whakaputanga 1835 me Te Tiriti o Waitangi nga Kawenata tapu o Aotearoa

Tautoko kahahia e nga Pae Maunga Korero o Hokianga Whakapau Karakia, Hokianga a Kupe.

Timata mai ia Whakarongorua, titiro ki Ninihi, Ninihi titiro ki Puhanga Tohora, Puhanga Tohora titiro ki Te Ramaroa a Kupe, Te Ramaroa titiro ki Whiria Paiaka Te Riri Te Kawa O Rahiri, Whiria titiro ki Panguru ki Papata, Panguru titiro ki Te Maunga o nga Taniwha, ki Maunga Taniwha,

Te Riu O Hokianga Whakapau Karakia,

Hokianga a Kupe”

W Peita Wharetohunga - a Hokianga Whakapau Karakia kaumatua (above)

  • I am raising funds for these moving image/visual arts projects.

    Please click the ‘donate’ button at the top of any page on the desktop version of this website or in the menu on the mobile device version to make a contribution